Cap:- Red brown to bright red orange, usually with white flecks around the edge of the cap when immature and forming a ring of dots just in from the margin when more mature; convex, with a slight umbo, becomoing flat with age, slimy if moist, drying to a satiny appearance.
Gills:- Initially a pale creamy off white that mottles purple brown as spores mature, sinuately adnexed, crowded.
Stem:- Similar colour to cap, often covered with light scales, slender with a swollen base.
Leratiomcyes ceres is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Albury, Wodonga | South Coast | Gippsland
Hypholoma aurantiacum Stropharia aurantiaca Hypholoma aurantiacum, Stropharia aurantiacumPlaces
Drouin West, VIC